Below are some useful links to pages where you can report issues direct to Tewkesbury Borough Council, Gloucestershire County Council, the Parish Council and the local Neighbourhood Policing Team. Reporting these directly will normally result in a fast conclusion and means that you will be directly kept informed of the resolutions.
Tewkesbury Borough Council
- Abandoned vehicles
- Anti-social behaviour
- Bonfires
- Dead animal in the street
- Dog mess/fouling
- Dog waste bin overflowing
- Flooding
- Fly-tipping or littering
- Graffiti, fly-posting or vandalism
- Grass cutting or verges
- Missed bin collections
- Noise complaint
- Planning infringement or unauthorised development
- Pollution
- Street cleansing
To report these issues to the Borough Council please click here
Gloucestershire County Council
- Blocked or overflowing drains
- Bollards
- Flooding or standing water on the road
- Lines and road markings
- Hazards on the highway
- Overgrown vegetation
- Pedestrian crossing not working
- Potholes
- Signs
- Street light problems
- Traffic light problems
To report these issues to the County Council please click here. Please note issues on unadopted roads remain the responsibility of the developer. You can also email Gloucestershire Highways at
For parking enforcement please contact the team on 01452 425610 or email
Hucclecote Parish Council
- Bus shelters (Hucclecote Road)
- Litter bin and dog waste bin damage
- Damage in the Bird Road play area
- Damage to benches and parish noticeboards
- Wotton Brook blockages
To report these issues to the Parish Council please telephone 01452 612485 or email
Neighbourhood Policing Team
The local Police Community Support officer for Hucclecote parish is PCSO James King who is supported by colleagues in the local policing team. The team can be contacted in a number of ways including the website ‘here’ where you can follow the link to your policing area and use the contact us facility. You can also use 101 to leave a message or for a general enquiry and it will be sent to the officer via the control room.