

Planning for the future – tell us what you think

An important consultation about planning development in Tewkesbury Borough launched today.

The borough council wants to hear from the public about a crucial planning document – the Pre-submission Tewkesbury Borough Plan – before submitting it to the Government for independent examination.

The Tewkesbury Borough Plan provides detailed and locally-specific planning policies on issues in Tewkesbury Borough, such as housing, employment, retail, the urban and natural environment and transport. It also includes smaller-scale sites allocated for housing and employment development.

The plan feeds directly in to the Joint Core Strategy – the over-arching strategic planning document for Gloucester City, Cheltenham Borough and Tewkesbury Borough which sets out how much growth needs to be accommodated in the three areas and the broad strategy for how that growth will be delivered.

The Pre-Submission Tewkesbury Borough Plan is at an advanced stage in the plan-making process, having been developed over a number of years and been through three previous stages of public consultation.

This is the version of the plan that the council intends to submit for independent examination by a Government-appointed planning inspector, but before it submits the plan, the council is required to consult on the document one last time. However, unlike previous consultations, the responses made this time will be submitted alongside the plan, as part of the examination process.

The consultation will run for just over six weeks until 5pm on Monday, 18 November – any comments received after the deadline cannot be accepted.

To read more about the plan, the consultation process and to make comments, visit


  1. Please improve public transport, proteçt green belts, plant more trees, and discourage damage to urban/suburban environment by complete obliteration of front gardens

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