
Broadband speeds

Our survey to gauge the current broadband speeds in parts of the parish has revealed that scores of local residents are suffering with speeds of barely 2 Megabytes per second  (the average download speed across the UK is now 18.7 Mbps).

Low broadband speeds like these mean that it is almost impossible to use the I-Player, and for people that need to work from home, it can be very challenging.

Among the areas that seem to suffer the most are Chesnut Road, Roselle Drive, Robinswood Close, Stump Lane, Arlington Road, Lancaster Road and Juniper Way. Many residents have already complained to BT, and felt they had been fobbed off. Several parishioners had been told that it was not ‘financially viable’ to link them up to an optical fibre connection, even though suitable cabling is nearby.

We will be contacting ‘Fastershire’ to feed this information through to them, and we will press them to include these areas in their next phase of work to deliver higher broadband speeds.

3 thoughts on “Broadband speeds

  1. Please let us know if you too have a poor broadband connection – we need to know where you live and how many other homes near you are also affected

  2. Hello,

    I would be interested in knowing if there has been any comment from fastershire/ BT regarding the issue?

  3. Intermittent reception, often fails when halfway through task, end up drinking too much tea.

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