Now that spring has sprung, Tewkesbury Borough Council is asking dog owners to join the dog walking community in bagging and binning dog poo.
A new Public Space Protection Order has been introduced which now gives council officers more powers to tackle dog fouling across Tewkesbury Borough. As part of the order, dog walkers can not only be fined £100 for not picking up after their dogs, but can now also get a £100 fixed penalty notice for not carrying dog poo bags.
The council is aware that most people are picking up after their pets but, sadly, the small few who don’t are continuing to risk the health of others. Dog faeces carries the risk of disease, particularly Toxacariasis – an infection caused by roundworm parasites.
As a result, environmental health officers will be working with parish councils to spread awareness of the new Public Space Protection Order across Tewkesbury Borough. Old signs will be replaced with new ones, and patrols will be carried out regularly at dog fouling hot spots.
Dog fouling can be reported to the council through their website here.